Monday, September 21, 2009
9 Words Women Use & How to Decode Them
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes . Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’ - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’ … that will bring on a ‘whatever’).
(8) Whatever: Is a women’s way of saying FUCK YOU!
(9) Don’t worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to 3.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
its be a while..
til next time, folks! <3
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
anyway, the pacquiao vs hatton fight was somethinn, wasnt it?! haha i was at a party that had everyone except like 3 people on pacmans side.. lmao. so funny that they thought hatton would win... i think not. not to mention my boyfriend wanted hatton to win.. FAIL! haha sorry baby, but i told you so :) that was a fun night though and a great fight.
anyone neeed a cut? color? help with extentions? mani? pedi?.. contact me :) need that $$$ lol
ill update when i get the chance k. tah taaah now
Monday, April 20, 2009
R.I.P. Lindsay Bennett

An 18-year-old UNLV student has died from injuries suffered late Wednesday in a crash involving a suspected drunken driver.
The Clark County Coroner’s Office identified the student as Lindsay Mychael Bennett of Las Vegas, who died after she was struck by a driver going the wrong way shortly before 9:30 p.m. Wednesday at the 215 Beltway and Windmill Avenue.
The cause of her death was several blunt force trauma injuries from the collision, a spokeswoman for the coroner’s office said. She died of her injuries Friday night, authorities said today.
She would have turned 19 today. Her former teammates from the Coronado High School dance team were spending the evening at her house with her family marking her birthday, dance coach Ginger Rossiter said.
Since the crash Wednesday night, “the girls have stayed very close. They have found comfort in each other and have been kind of staying together all day and all night,” Rossiter said. “They are having a hard time coping, doing the best they can.”
Bennett was captain of the dance team her junior and senior years and received a varsity letter in dance all four years, Rossiter said.
She provided the leadership that helped the team go from barely competitive her junior year to winning a national championship her senior year, Rossiter said.
“She did not accept the failures we had during her junior year,” Rossiter said. “She overcame those with a positive attitude. She was a fighter.”
Bennett graduated with honors in 2008 and went on to UNLV, where she was a Rebel Girl, Rossiter said.
Bennett was majoring in architecture and was always doodling and making cards for her friends, said Jenn Singer, who was friends with Bennett since they were 11.
A vigil in Bennett’s honor is scheduled for Tuesday night at UNLV. Services have been scheduled for 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 130 N. Pecos Road, in Henderson.
The suspected impaired driver was taken to University Medical Center’s trauma center and released Thursday, said Trooper Kevin Honea of the Nevada Highway Patrol. He has been booked into the Clark County Detention Center, but has not been identified, Honea said.
The investigation into the collision is ongoing.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
21 days to break a habit
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Brianne :)

happy birthday to youu
happy birthday dear bri
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
other updates: school is great. im accepting clients now :)
on a serious note, i just found out my mom has to get surgery :( i dont know how serious it is and what exactly it is but theres something in her throat? um its in the neck area is all i know. my parents dont like being open about that kind of stuff cus its just a very sensitive subject to talk about. but please pray for her. i love you mom!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
-_- haha oh gosh.. thats all for now. its way past my bed time.. sucks.
update sooon!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
im a bit bummed out that everyone is or will soon be on spring break and ill still be at school. all i could think about is the 4 day weekend my school has in may haha. and as i mentioned before, i dont get a summer break either :( buuut on the bright side, my family and i will be going on a cruise in june :) im soooooo soo soo excited for that!
im going to a passion party on saturday held by the wonderful ms. emi chan lol. im looking foward to see how that night will go haha. me and corys 8 months is coming up soon :) my birthday is next month guyss. april 21st! so is my sister (apr 9), my brother (apr 20), and like 5 other people in my class.
k im done here. see you at the next blog!
"to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist. that is all." -oscar wilde
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Late Night Thoughts..
i hate the feeling of being used. i also have a hard time saying 'no' sometimes. ive been trying to stay away from being the 'yes man' because then i find people taking advantage of it. im learning to put my foot down and though i super badly hate when people get mad at me for no reason at all or because they couldnt get what they wanted out of me, i then start to feel bad and apologize for something i shouldnt be saying sorry for. im just in a situation that im totally not with at all and its bringing me down so bad that its starting to take control of my thoughts.
drifting away.. drifting from good friends and the friendship not being the same anymore. its really sad but its crazy how peoples attitude change.. well just the way people say things and the way they put their words together. they dont understand that its hurting the other person.
we all have our excuses. mine is being in a relationship. im not afraid to admit it. things have changed with my friends when cory and i were official and in love.. whatever you wanna call it.
going to different schools. you start to see less of that person or your group of friends. it leads to making new friends. making friends with people in your classes and making plans with them leads you guys to become closer friends.
then theres the people you hang out with. youre close friends or best friends. the ones you talk to everyday and talk to about your life. they have such a big influence to who you can become or the way you act or react to things. you might even catch on to their attitudes and they way they pursue things. then you start talking like each other.. share the same lingo.
dude, i dont even know what im trying to say anymore. im too lazy to re-read what i typed up there. life... life is malfunctioning right now. no the world is. people are malfunctioning. just everything is. this blog was unsuccessfully unfinished because my thoughts are just going crazy. what a fucking waste. ok i will attempt to redo this blog in a more sensible, well-reasoned, well-thoughtout manner.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Its Crazy How Things Change
a year ago, it was my senior year in hs and i was going crazy with always partying on weekends and school nights, i was single too and that right there makes a big diff now a days. the people i hung out with which was pretty much meccamee heads all day errday and my best friends. school, working, and dance took up most of my time then.
& now i gotss myself a boyfriend. he takes up like my life lol. im always with him so now im hanging out with his friends. met a buncccch of new peoples. and school! oh man.. having school everyday seems like high school all over again but much better... despite the fact that im at school for 8 1/2 hours, monday- friday, no spring break, no summer break, just a few holidays and winter break for time off -_- i barely ever see my friends.. like the ones who were attached to my hip even before i got with my boo thang. we sorta just drifted apart. its really sad but hey, people change. we're at diff schools so that means new plans with new friends and that just leads to drifting from one friend and getting closer to the other. but life happens. some may have changed attitudes or reasons. whatever the reason, there will always be changes.
found these quotes in one of my salon books from school---
"life is not a destination. life is a journey. as long as you continue the journey, you will always be a success." - albert camus
"its easy to make a buck. its a lot tougher to make a difference." -tom brokaw
"time is the coin in your life. it is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - carl sandburg
"people are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be." -abraham lincoln
"kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." -mother teresa
"saying nothing... sometimes says the most." -emily dickinson
"even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there." -will rogers
"attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." -winston churchill
"obstacles are what you see when we take out eyes off our goal." -roslene glickman
"the time is always right to do what is right." - dr. martin luther king jr.
k ill be back soon to post some pictures up of what ive been doing in school :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
its a hard knock life
Sunday, March 1, 2009
i love you.
i time you.
now for my blog about whats been going on with me for the past few weeks.. ive been sick, sicker, and sickest. it was really bad. it started with just a migrane then to a fever. it went away for a few days and then came back 10x worse. the fever came back while i was in school. i had to take an early out. and soon after that it turned into the flu. oh it was horrible! i use to never get sick like that and baaaaammm, it came out of no where. im glad to say im feeling so much better and healthier :) still coughing w/ a stuffy nose but im better than before so im happy about that. school is going great. family is doing fine.
my boyfriend is wonderful. it still makes me sad only seeing him on the weekends pretty much. it went from every single day to weekends and nights that im not tired and exhausted ill sneak a visit. yes, i used to see him every day and never got tired of him haha. but now its good in a way because then we can get our other priorities done with no distraction.. well maybe a little distraction lol but not enough to knock me off the track. i also realized that i need to get myself an effing job because hes too nice to me. hes pays for everything and i never have anything to give him back in return except for my undying love of course haha. and hes the reason why i gained so much damn weight -_- that makes me sad too haha oh gosh so lame but sooo true! he told me "baby its ok.. it means your happy and in love." he was right im really happy and in love with him but i dont like what its done to my body image. im in a total different body. same person! just a few pounds heavier :( i cant believe i even have the guts to be saying this on my blog but im just saying what and how it makes me feel so if your disgusted, then leave. anyway, yes job is what i need to pamper him and treat him like a princess this time. but its soo hard right now because of school.. and meccamee.. which........ ill talk about another time. ill try to work it out though. school is not cheap and i need to start paying it off soon enough. anyway, i think this update is good enough for now. ill be back to blog blog blog smore.
**someone hook it up with a job! school tuition is kickin my ass -____-
remember........ time.
i time you..
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
kids say the darnest things
this will make me smile & giggle anyday :) hahaha
im done now. k bye
Thursday, February 5, 2009
learning new thaangs

side view || we learned how to used rollers and the different tecniques to add volume and where to place the rollers and stuff like that.

front view || kinda ugggs lol

back view || we werent doing anything yet so i just hooked my manny up with some roowwss.. ya knowww?! :P

back view || roller set BEFORE..

side view || just another view. same roller set BEFORE..

back view || the roller set AFTER (before the brushing)

back view || after the teasing and brushing out the curls

front view || big hurr dont currr type hair :) i named her carmen btw lol

back view || & today this is what we did. permssss
thats all i have right now. i hope yall like it :) we did some other things too but i just didnt get a chance to snap a photo right quick but im gna start snapping shots all over the place to keep whoever reads this up to date with me while im in school. mmk. oh and i already have my next blog topic ready to be typed up so stay tuned! :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
can you say AMAZING???!!!! :)
--- my weekend was pretty chill. on friday night, i went to corys house. he had people over and some friends visiting from hawaii. no biggie, just chilled. saturday, i went to nicoles birthday dinner at bahama breeze. went to corys house. then went to tao with some girlpreeenss. my first time at tao.. loved it!! gogo danced for all the drunk lookin assses... danced on that stage til my feet hurt.. and let me tell you, my feet never everr hurt like this before! the heel booties i wore were comfy til about 2 hours of dancing. i honestly think i did something to one of my toes cus it still hurts and feels weird when i try bending it. anyway, after tao i went back to corys house to chill and rest my feet. and knocked out shortly after that lol. on sunday, i woke up to corys friend/new roommate moving his things into the room across the hall. i watched them move things in. i know, how rude lol. it was too early for me to even function haha. then the boys went grocery shoppaang for the superbowl party. had some bombbb food! baby won some $$$ on a parlay. then just chilled the rest of the night. thatssss all.
i know my blogs run pretty long but that should matter to you. its all for my personal keeps... and also because i have bad memory lol. so i pretty much keep this so i can look back and be like "oh that was a fun day" or "wow, how lame was i?" or just sit here and laugh at the computer screen. i really dont know who actually takes the time to read all about my life but if it interests you, be my guest! im sure ill have a lot of interesting days or stories to share.
-oh, interuption.. i just got a text from a close friend.-- brenda, if you ever read this, i love you! im glad youre doing great. i cant wait til you can be home so you can come out and play again. i know the hospital is such a miserable place but hang in there mamas! <3
ill be back to blog blog blog some more. -bern
Saturday, January 24, 2009
the past few days...
some birthdays just passed. happy birthday to: arvin olano, ej barba, christian pacquing, jr pacquing, corrine pereira, karen miranda, jen igmat, and the rest of the january bday kidds.
meccamee: we continued with training. nothing new with that but on thursday a camera crew came to our rehearsal to film us because ileri, aka miss teen nevada, is on a reality show and they came to film her and her life. we got interviewed, they filmed us learning ejs dance, made us do a few of our sets, and candidly fimled us. signed a few release papers and now we're just waiting for the show to start! haha it was fun filiming though. cant wait to see the 2.5 second clip of meccamee on tv.. hahahaha.
boyfrienderly: weve been together for offically 6 months :) its going by so quick! im super thankful for having him in my life. <3>school: i start on monday! i cant explain how extremely excited i am to start. i cant believe im saying this but im so excited for school!! haha OH and also one of my good friends, nicole, is starting with me on monday too! she signed up as quickly as she can so she can start on monday. im glad im not gonna be alone haha. anyway i still need to go shopping for school. they have a strick dress code which is: black and white solids only! and black shoes only! haha i dont really care. im am fine with that.
i finally got a new phone! haha those of you who know me know why im soo happy lol. i had a razr which was broken so i hated it. i got a blackberry curve. as long as it has QWERTY aka a keyboard then im fully satisfied.
scary incident: hahaha omg ok so after rehearsal on thrusday, some of us went to the new HOM lmao "house of meditation" as ellis calls it. ellis, jane, jenn, lex, cody, and mike moved into a house together. super cute and spacious house. anyway, while we were there jenn was explaining to me and my sister that she got 2 chihuahuas for 100 on craigslist but they couldnt keep it cus ellis' dog, maia, would eat them alive. so she was trying to sell it to us. we wanted to see them right away but they were at her friends house so lexx and i decided to go get them. as we were getting off the freeway we were getting onto flamingo and made a right.. right. and i guess lex didnt see the truck or they were just speeding and as we were turning right, we notice a truck speeding a swerving on the left and smelt burnt rubber.. then we realized maybe we didnt see them and so this truck was super angry that we cut em off so they then decided to tailgate us. me and lex we re freaking the fuck out. then they try driving right next to us but we were too scared to look out the window so we kept going. then they decided they want to follow us to our destination... so we paniced and just turned into streets we didnt even know. we were getting lost and being chased by scary people. we were seriously about to shit our pants.. like crying status.. then the road we were on was a dead end so we had no choice but to turn into a neighborhood. they were still trying to keep up with us and soon they just cut us off and blocked the road. we had no where to go. i was like "lexx just drive!!! goo around the truck".. the guys rolled their windows down and come to find out that they were some teenager boys. but we werent relieved at all. they asked for our number but we refused so then he came out of the car. i was like....... "lex GOOO!! im sooo scared!!!!!! theyre gonna shoot us!!!" but lex was freaking out so much that she couldnt even think. so he was like "you know you almost hit us.. we couldvt died!" lex was apologizing and then he was like give me your number.. and ill let you go. so lex gave it to them and he set us free. he was like "we should hang out sometime.." hahahahaha trying to hit on her and shit.. crazy mess but so so scary. then we went and got the puppies.. oh my gaaaahssss... soo cutes!! i want them soo badly! then we went back to the house telling everyone our story haha. k the end.
....til next time, blog world!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sooo essssited!!!!
as for meccamee, we resumed our rehearsals on tuesday. we are now in training mode for the next few months. so far chris, jayce, matt, and arvin taught. supaaaa sickening so far!!! we learned matt and arvins last night. they were both fuckin amazing!!! ugh i cant get over it lol. i cant wait to learn all the other dances. oh we also started conditioning... its burns but im glad we're doing it!
as for the boyfraaan, hes great. we're great. lifes great lol. they had a kickback at their house last night. saw old faces and met new ones too. cory and his roommates are like BP for life.. haha. im definitely cutting down on that cus im very serious about going to school and also trying to get in shape. we're supposed to go to XS tomorrow night :) so essited for that. heard that place was craccckin and better than tryst. anyway, my and corys 6 mo is coming up :) aw yay lol
well i have 9 more days to do crazy, stay up all night things til i start school and be freaking lola. then ill have only the weekend to relax and chill.... unless i get a job. ill have to wait and see.
Monday, January 12, 2009
i gotss a bruise
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Lola! :)
update time!
ill start with last night.
cory (my boyfriend) came and picked me up after he got off work. he was expecting to pick tim up from the airport on the way back to his house but tim called right when we got there so i just watched tv and made soup while he was gone. kyle, bronson, and chad all showed up to the house at the same time. we waited for cory and tim to come home so we can play beerpong. they finally came back and we started to play. the first round i jsut sat and watched cus they all wanted to go against each other and it was kyles first time playing so i let them have their fun lol. bronson and kyle ended up winning so me and cory went against them. we were doing so well and we lost to the team with the guy who never played bp before lol. how sad well they played some more and i got bored being the only girl there so i just went to babys room and watched tv. i ended up falling asleep but cory woke me up to go with him to meet tim and his cousins up at downtown to gamble for a bit. i thought we were gonna do the fun penny slot machine thing but he wanted to play poker instead. aaaanddd i had left my id in my trench cus we went out earlier that week so i couldnt even sit and watch him play -_- luckily they had comfy couches and i fell asleep waiting. it made me a bit cranky cus by then it was like 4 something in the am. he came and woke me up to go eat at the california hotel. he loves the oxtail soup there. i think its gross lol so i just ordered a club sandwhich. i started to feel a little sick so i stopped eating. we left shortly after that. on our way home i started feeling nauseous so i asked him to pull over but nothing came out. by the time i got home i felt worse. i ran to my room, drank some water and laid down hoping to feel better but i didnt. i ended up doing the deed in my trash can. i felt much better after that! i went right to sleep and woke up at like 3 to my mom yelling for everyone to get ready. i got up and got ready and my fam headed to dj babin.... something. its a filipino restaurant. anyway, the food there is aiiiggght. after that we all went home. and now im here blogging lol. tonight is karens bday party at HOM. im thinking about going. well ill be back to blog about my night so we'll see what i end up doing....