Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Its Crazy How Things Change

its crazy how you thought you knew someone and then just one day you just seem to know nothing. i know we all change for the good and the bad. im not gonna lie, i know i have changed in many ways. besides the whole growing up part, my life is completely different than it was a year ago. from the people i hang out with, to who im super close to, to my daily sched and even to my appearance.. from long hurr don curr to short hurr donnt currrrr & a couple of lbs heavier -_- haha how fucking sad but on the real, its just crazy.
a year ago, it was my senior year in hs and i was going crazy with always partying on weekends and school nights, i was single too and that right there makes a big diff now a days. the people i hung out with which was pretty much meccamee heads all day errday and my best friends. school, working, and dance took up most of my time then.
& now i gotss myself a boyfriend. he takes up like my life lol. im always with him so now im hanging out with his friends. met a buncccch of new peoples. and school! oh man.. having school everyday seems like high school all over again but much better... despite the fact that im at school for 8 1/2 hours, monday- friday, no spring break, no summer break, just a few holidays and winter break for time off -_- i barely ever see my friends.. like the ones who were attached to my hip even before i got with my boo thang. we sorta just drifted apart. its really sad but hey, people change. we're at diff schools so that means new plans with new friends and that just leads to drifting from one friend and getting closer to the other. but life happens. some may have changed attitudes or reasons. whatever the reason, there will always be changes.


found these quotes in one of my salon books from school---

"life is not a destination. life is a journey. as long as you continue the journey, you will always be a success." - albert camus

"its easy to make a buck. its a lot tougher to make a difference." -tom brokaw

"time is the coin in your life. it is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - carl sandburg

"people are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be." -abraham lincoln

"kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." -mother teresa

"saying nothing... sometimes says the most." -emily dickinson

"even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there." -will rogers

"attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." -winston churchill

"obstacles are what you see when we take out eyes off our goal." -roslene glickman

"the time is always right to do what is right." - dr. martin luther king jr.

k ill be back soon to post some pictures up of what ive been doing in school :)

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