Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i couldnt think of a good title.. like a title that would just POP. haha anyway just an update on my life. umm lets see. school is still fun and its going very well. my instructors showed us our test scores on i think 5 of recent tests, both practical and written, and i got 4 100%'s and 1 98%. we had our virgin bleach, bleach retouch, virgin tint, and color retouch (dye) practical today and i got a 100% in it :) the freshman portion of my class is coming to an end in 2 weeks...!! its gone by soo fast! then we move on up to being juniors which means ill be on the clinic floor, which means clients, which will all hopefully be successful! lol anyway so for the last 2 weeks its mainly focusing on group and indiviual porjects. i have a paper due on friday. i should be doing that instead of this lol.

im a bit bummed out that everyone is or will soon be on spring break and ill still be at school. all i could think about is the 4 day weekend my school has in may haha. and as i mentioned before, i dont get a summer break either :( buuut on the bright side, my family and i will be going on a cruise in june :) im soooooo soo soo excited for that!

im going to a passion party on saturday held by the wonderful ms. emi chan lol. im looking foward to see how that night will go haha. me and corys 8 months is coming up soon :) my birthday is next month guyss. april 21st! so is my sister (apr 9), my brother (apr 20), and like 5 other people in my class.

k im done here. see you at the next blog!

"to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist. that is all." -oscar wilde

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